Wordless Wednesday: 4-Months-Old

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Monkey is 4 months old now.  It’s hard to believe, and I keep squeezing him extra tight and enjoying that delicious baby smell because I know that the newborn days are flying by.  Each passing day is bittersweet– it is wonderful to watch him grow and thrive, but I miss some of his itty bitty baby behaviors.  I took these pictures early this evening.

Monkey is such a happy baby.  He is a joy to be around:

A Tossed Salad Life: 4-month-old Smile

He is such a smiley boy– he loves to laugh.  Frog was much harder to make smile.

A Tossed Salad Life: 4-month-old smile

Improving my Blogging Photography

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I’d like to think that I’m not a horrible photographer.  I’ve enjoyed the wonderful capabilities of my Nikon D70 since Frog was just over a year old.  That’s nearly a decade, and the camera has served me well.  I don’t think that MM and I would be together now if we didn’t both have D70s.  They are what caused us to click.

I’ve been trying to improve my photography of food and crafts.  It’s not quite the same type of photography as capturing a smiling kiddo or flowers blooming outside.  Scenic vista and cherubic children have been the primary subjects until I started this little blog.  It’s a new style of photography, and we live in a home with not a lot of natural light.  The family room is covered with knotty pine paneling, which darkens the room.  We have a yard surrounded by old oak, magnolia and hickory trees that provide lush shade, which can hinder good close-up shots.
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Garden Lights at Atlanta Botanical Gardens

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We usually go see a holiday lights exhibit each year.  Until this year, for the previous 5 years, we’d all load up in a car and head to Callaway Gardens to see their Fantasy in Lights show.  That show peaked in excitement for us about 3 years ago, and Frog asked if we could see something new.  Around the Atlanta area, there are a number of great holiday light exhibits, including our next door neighbors, but last year we went to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens to see the Garden Lights exhibit, and we had heard that the display was supposed to be even better this year.
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