Meal Planning Monday: January 28th… A Day Late!

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Well, a day late and a meal short this week!  Actually, Monkey had his 4 month check up yesterday, so we ate out.  I was expecting a bit of crankiness.  I wonder if this is a self-fulfilling prophesy, as Monkey slept horribly last night.  In my groggy state, I forgot that he needed another dose of tylenol.  When MM woke up and asked if he could help with Monkey, and it dawned on me that Tylenol might help.  It did, but still was rather restless…. I digress.

We have continued to stick to our meal plan, and this has reduced dinner stress and eating out.  However, I’m still finding that we deviate either in the order of days, or take a meal out or add one in… does this happen to anyone else?mpm-1

Well, on to the meal plan, so MM knows what he’s eating tonight.  (He said he wasn’t sure last night!)
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January 21: Menu Plan Monday

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Well, we did fairly well around here last week with our menu plan.  We’ve actually had more leftovers and extras than I thought, and I’m wondering if we should have 2 leftover days each week.  I don’t know how many most families have, so I’m going to be visiting others menu plans today.   I am still traveling for work 2 days a week until the end of the month, and I have a hard time mustering up the energy to cook when I get home.  Thanksfully MM is willing to take over dinner those days, or other evenings if Monkey has kept me too busy.  Even though we’ve varied our dinner plans slightly from our meal plan for the last two weeks, having a written out meal plan for dinner has greatly reduced my stress in the evening, and has helped with being more organized in our grocery shopping!  Here’s what for dinner at the Tossed Salad house this week:

  • Monday: Crockpot Chicken Parmesan with angelhair pasta (Trying something new!)
  • Tuesday: You are on your own/Leftovers
  • Wednesday: Hamburgers and edamame
  • Thursday: Chicken Marsala (Adapting new recipe for crockpot, recipe post will follow!)
  • Friday: Flank Steak, asparagus and mashed potatoes (Recipe post will follow!)
  • Saturday: Leftovers/ you are on your own
  • Sunday: Lemon Garlic Crockpot Chicken with rice


Sweet Treats:

  • Milky Way Cookies
  • Mrs. Peterson’s Butterscotch Oatmeal Cookies (Information to follow!)

Golden Mushroom Beef Stew: A Crockpot Recipe {Family Favorite}

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MM loves stew in the winter.  Well, I think he likes stew at any time of the year, but I generally only cook stew in the crockpot during the fall and winter months.  Here in Georgia, the weather from April to September makes me disinterested in having a steaming bowl of stew.  When I start making stews in the crockpot again, this tends to be my favorite recipe.  The preparation takes under 10 minutes.
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January 14: Menu Plan Monday

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We did so well last week, and generally stuck to our meal plan!  (Although we changed the days up a bit, and had so many leftovers that we didn’t need to cook for two days instead of one– that’s not really a bad thing!)  I skipped one of our stews, so I’ll be doing that this week, and I will review all of our new recipes tomorrow.  Here is our meal plan for this week:
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January 7: Menu Plan Monday!

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MM and I like to try our best to have an idea of what’s on the menu for the week.  Unfortunately, LB’s arrival this fall has made me more disorganized this fall.  With it being a new year, and this week I’m home for the first full week since traveling for the holidays, it’s a good time to start, so without further ado…

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Lemon Garlic Crockpot Chicken

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MM has made a New Year’s resolution to lose weight and is trying his hand at the Atkins diet.  It worked pretty well before our wedding, and I believe he lost between 15 and 20 pounds.  He’s done quite well over the past two weeks, but it can be challenging to merge a low carb diet with my tween athlete’s caloric needs.  Over the weekend, MM and I were talking about this week’s dinner plans, and I suggested that we make one of our newer family favorites: “That chicken dish with oregano and lemon.”  I don’t really know the official name of the dish.  I originally got the recipe from, but have subsequently altered and played with the recipe a bit.  It’s very tasty, so I thought others might want to try it out.
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