Wordless Wednesday: Asleep on the job

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Being wordless isn’t something that generally describes me.   Wordless and still, are two things I am not.  However, I like the concept of Wordless Wednesday, and Nancy over at Do Small Things with Love made a new button for Wordless Wednesday:

I take a picture of Monkey most days to send to MM while he is at at work. Today Monkey went to work with me, and fell asleep on his pillow, on the floor of my office.  I took this picture for MM:

Wordless Wednesday: Asleep on the Job!

Monkey can sleep nearly anywhere with his pillow and pacifier. (Oh, and before, anyone frets about the pillow, I do watch him with his pillow. It was one of mine that he has decided smells just right.)

2 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday: Asleep on the job

  1. I am so flattered to find my new button here–and that picture is so sweet. I love the fact that he likes to sleep with a pillow that smells like you!
    Thanks again!


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